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South Fork Fire: Concerns Rise as It Expands Rapidly

Current Situation

As of Tuesday morning, the South Fork Fire has scorched approximately 3,380 acres on the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, just west of Ruidoso. The fire remains uncontained, causing significant concern among residents and authorities.

Another wildfire, the Salt Fire, is also burning in the area. However, the South Fork Fire poses a more immediate threat due to its proximity to the village of Ruidoso.

Containment Efforts

Firefighters are battling the blaze on multiple fronts, including air and ground units. However, strong winds and rugged terrain have hindered containment efforts. The Village of Ruidoso reported early Tuesday that the fire had consumed 13,921 acres with zero percent containment.

Impact on Residents

The South Fork Fire has already forced several evacuations in Ruidoso. Residents are urged to follow instructions from local authorities and stay informed about the latest fire conditions.


The South Fork Fire remains a major concern, with its rapid expansion threatening lives and property. The ongoing struggle to contain it underscores the unpredictable nature of wildfires and the importance of preparedness. As the situation unfolds, residents are advised to remain vigilant and follow the guidance of emergency management officials to ensure their safety.
